Natasa Govedarou

Born in Thessaloniki, Greece in 1976 she discovered painting as her way of expressing and relaxing from when she was a small child following the same passion of her mother and grandmother.
Her studies in the Russian Academy of Art in Florence Italy in 2010-14 (Grade A) gave her the fundamental principles, methods and techniques of the Old Masters. She is a member of SKETBE, of SKETKE and of the Society of Artists in Kozani, Greece.With her works she creates her own sense of personal freedom and space. Despite the constraints of the canvas, which allows her only two dimensions to work with, she is still able to create horizons that open up spaces, full of enchantment. She loses herself in the adventure of painting among the ideas and pathways that her imagination summons up for her. She likes to give a mystic atmosphere to her landscapes inspired mainly by the Greek light and colors. Her portraits give the deep character of men and women with a love for details and expressive lines.
From September 2014 she is the owner and director of GOVEDAROU ART GALLERY in Thessaloniki, Greece. Main purpose of the gallery is the promotion not only of her works but of other artists as well. New trends and classic waves of all forms of Art find a roof at Govedarou Art Gallery which is equipped with the most modern audiovisual means of projection and lighting and can support exhibitions and events of cultural interest.
8-23 May 2010 - Cultural Center of Grevena held by the Town Hall of Grevena, Greece (Theme: Among Women, on Mother’s Day)
18-25 April 2013 - The Greek Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden organized and sponsored her own personal exhibition in the Greek Cultural Center of Sweden, “St. John the Theologist”
10-31 Dec.2007 - Society of Artists of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece
12-19 April 2008 - Society of Artists of Kozani in Northern Greece at the Folklore Museum of Kozani, Greece (Theme: Spring)
14-21 May 2008 - Black Sea Club of Thessaloniki, Greece (Theme: Hellenism in the Black Sea)
2008 - 1st Exhibition of Visual Arts in Kozani held by the Chamber of Commerce in Kozani, Greece
10-30 Nov.2008 - Society of Artists of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece
Jan.2009 - Exhibition Hall of Piraeus Bank, Thessaloniki, Greece
May 2009 - Society of Artists of Kozani in Northern Greece
14 Dec.-15 Jan.2010 - Society of Artists of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece (Theme: Visual Arts Reports)
1-18 Mar.2010 - Society of Artists of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece (Theme: Woman and Creation)
10-17 Dec.2010 - Italian Cultural Center of Thessaloniki, Greece (Theme: “Tre Generazioni”100 anni di pittura Greca, “Three Generations”100 years of Greek painting)
11-18 May 2011 - Exhibition Hall of the Town Hall of Kozani, Greece (Theme: Visual Arts Spring)
12 Dec.2011 - Cultural Center of Volos, N.Ionia, Greece (Theme: Painting and Poetry)
24 Feb.-2 Mar.2012 - 65 painters together with 104 poets of Thessaloniki at the Vafopoulio Cultural Center, Thessaloniki, Greece (Theme: Painting with pictures of poetry)
5-14 Mar.2012 - Exhibition Hall of Piraeus Bank, Thessaloniki, Greece (Theme: For the celebration of the 100 years liberation of Thessaloniki “Thessaloniki yesterday and today….”)
2-22 May 2012 - International Exhibition of Miniature at the Colours Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece
15-26 July 2012 - International Exhibition of Miniature in Chios, Greece
Aug. 2012 - International Exhibition of Miniature at the Municipal of Sigean, France
7-8 Aug. 2012 - International Exhibition of Miniature in Skopelos, Greece
29 Sep.2012 - Exhibition in Volos, Greece (Theme: Poetry through painting and photography)
3-10 Nov.2012 - International Exhibition at the gallery ColorissimARTE-Baccina 66, Rome, Italy
Dec.2012 - International Exhibition of Miniature at the WORCESTER STATE UNIVERSITY in Boston, U.S.A
5-17 Dec.2012 - Art Shop for Christmas at the gallery DOMUS TALENTI(Via Quattro Fontane, 113) in Rome, Italy
17-27 Feb.2013 - Epirus Club in Thessaloniki, Greece (Theme: 100 years of the liberation of Epirus)
6-15 Nov.2013 - Vafopoulio Cultural Center, Thessaloniki, Greece
29 Nov.-8 Dec.2013 - BIENNALE DI FIRENZE, Florence, Italy
23 Dec.2013 -
7 Jan.2014 - ‘Premier’ Artistic Café, Thessaloniki, Greece
30 Apr.-12 May 2014 - Exhibition Hall of Piraeus Bank, Thessaloniki, Greece
June 2014 - International Convention of Christianity, Switzerland
July-Sep. 2014 - Museo Sandro Massimini, Fiuggi, Italy
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