Interview of Natasa Govedarou at about the group exhibition "Air,Fire,Water,Earth"
Interview of Natasa Govedarou for the group exhibition "AIR,FIRE,WATER,EARTH" at Govedarou Art Gallery!
Συνέντευξη του κ. Ματτα προέδρου του Ο.Φ.Α συνδιοργανωτη της εκθεσης με θέμα το ΣΥΜΠΑΝ
“Το National Geographic είναι κατά κάποιον τρόπο το “ιερό δισκοπότηρο” του κάθε φωτογράφου άγριας φύσης”
Ο Θοδωρής Μάττας είναι βραβευμένος φωτογράφος άγριας φύσης, γεννήθηκε και ζει στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Οι φωτογραφίες του έχουν δημοσιευτεί σε μεγάλα διεθνή περιοδικά, βιβλία και ημερολόγια σε όλο τον κόσμο, έχουν δε χρησιμοποιηθεί σε σχολεία και πανεπιστήμια στα πλαίσια εκπαιδευτικών δραστηριοτήτων με θέμα τη Φύση.
Κάθε χρόνο ηγείται φωτογραφικών σαφάρι στην Αφρική, όπου και διδάσκει σε αρχάριους αλλά και προχωρημένους φωτογράφους αλλά και απλούς περιηγητές την απαιτητική φωτογραφία της άγριας φύσης επί του πεδίου.
Ακολουθεί η συνέντευξη:
● Κύριε Μάττα, ως επαγγελματίας φωτογράφος και με πρωταγωνίστρια τη φύση ταξιδέψατε και καταφέρατε να συλλέξετε φωτογραφίες από κάθε μέρος του πλανήτη. Ποιοί προορισμοί ήταν για εσάς οι σημαντικότεροι και γιατί;
Είμαι φωτογράφος άγριας φύσης από το 2005. Ταξιδεύω αποκλειστικά στην Αφρική, λόγω του ό,τι τα τοπία και η βιοποικιλότητα της Αφρικανικής Ηπείρου είναι αξεπέραστα και μου παρέχουν ανεξάντλητες φωτογραφικές ευκαιρίες.
Σε αυτά τα 18 χρόνια που έχουν περάσει από τότε που ξεκίνησα, έχω επισκεφτεί σχεδόν όλα τα εθνικά πάρκα στις χώρες της ανατολικής και νότιας Αφρικής ως επικεφαλής φωτογραφικών workshops διδάσκοντας σε αρχάριους αλλά και έμπειρους φωτογράφους από όλο τον κόσμο την wildlife φωτογραφία. Ίσως ο πιο αγαπημένος μου προορισμός είναι η Ναμίμπια, λόγω της ιδιαιτερότητας της τοπογραφίας της! Τα τοπία της είναι μοναδικά, θυμίζουν πολύ τον πλανήτη Άρη, με το κόκκινο χρώμα στο έδαφος και τις ατελείωτες ερημικές περιοχές!
Ο συνδυασμός του τοπίου αυτού με την παρουσία άγριας ζωής δημιουργεί ιδανικές Aniscape φωτογραφίες άγριας φύσης, που σαν είδος φωτογραφίας είναι και το αγαπημένο μου.
● Πως προέκυψε η συνεργασία σας με το National Geographic; Τι αποκομίσατε σε επίπεδο γνώσεων από αυτή την εμπειρία;
Το National Geographic είναι κατά κάποιον τρόπο το “ιερό δισκοπότηρο” του κάθε φωτογράφου άγριας φύσης. Αν αυτοί δημοσιεύσουν φωτογραφία σου (περίπου δημοσιεύουν τρεις στις χίλιες που δέχονται από φωτογράφους από όλο τον κόσμο) σημαίνει ότι το υλικό σου είναι σιγουρα πρωτότυπο και υψηλού επιπέδου.
Είχα την τύχη να επιλεγούν πολλές φωτογραφίες μου για δημοσίευση στο National Geographic όλα αυτά τα χρόνια της ενασχόλησής μου με την wildlife φωτογραφία και το γεγονός αυτό με βοήθησε στο να εξελίξω την τεχνική μου και τη φωτογραφική μου ματιά, μου έδωσε όμως και δημοσιότητα και προβολή στη δουλειά μου.
● Σήμερα είστε πρόεδρος του Ομίλου Φίλων Αστρονομίας που εδρεύει στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Μπορείτε να μας αναφέρετε δύο βασικούς στόχους σας για το μέλλον του Ομίλου;
Ο Όμιλος Φίλων Αστρονομίας δραστηριοποιείται στην πόλη της Θεσσαλονίκης από το 1997 και σήμερα αριθμεί περίπου 300 μέλη από όλη την Ελλάδα. Στα 25 χρόνια λειτουργίας του, έχει αποτελέσει φάρο στην διάδοση και την εκμάθηση της Αστρονομίας στο ευρύ κοινό, παρέχοντας διαλέξεις διακεκριμένων επιστημόνων αλλά και καθηγητών πανεπιστημίου, (πολλοί εκ των οποίων είναι και ιδρυτικά μας μέλη), που θα ήταν χωρίς τον ΟΦΑ απρόσιτοι στο ευρύ κοινό, ενώ παράλληλα αναπτύσσει και δραστηριότητες για την άμεση επαφή του κόσμου με το αντικείμενο της Αστρονομίας, όπως είναι τα αστρο-πάρτυ, στα οποία δείχνουμε στο κοινό με τα τηλεσκόπιά μας τις ομορφιές του σύμπαντος. Έχουμε επίσης στενή συνεργασία με σχολεία της πρωτοβάθμιας και δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης όχι μόνο στην πόλη της Θεσσαλονίκης αλλά και εντός του νομού, συμμετέχοντας σε προγράμματα επιμόρφωσης των μαθητών γύρω από την Αστρονομία
Η συνεργασία μας με την γνωστή γκαλερί Govedarou Art Gallery, που αφορά τη συνδιοργάνωση έκθεσης με θέμα το σύμπαν είναι μια εξαιρετική ευκαιρία να “παντρέψουμε” την επιστήμη της Αστρονομίας με τις τέχνες.
● Σε συνεργασία με την Govedarou Art Gallery παρουσιάζετε την έκθεση με τίτλο” Τελευταίο Σύνορο του Ανθρώπου Η Πνοή του Θεού”. Τι έργα θα συναντήσει το κοινό που θα επισκεφθεί την έκθεση και ποίο είναι το κεντρικό μήνυμα που θέλετε να περαστεί στον κόσμο;
Η έκθεση φιλοξενεί έργα διακεκριμένων εικαστικών, ζωγράφων και φωτογράφων με θέμα το σύμπαν και τη θέση του ανθρώπου μέσα σε αυτό!
Το μήνυμα που θέλουμε να περάσουμε στο κοινό είναι ότι οι επιστήμες και οι τέχνες συμβαδίζουν στην εξελιγκτική πορεία του ανθρώπου, αλληλο-συμπληρώνονται και βοηθούν τον άνθρωπο να κατανοήσει καλύτερα το περιβάλλον στο οποίο ζει.
2 - 22 February 2023
Natasa Govedarou, visual artist, curator and owner of Govedarou Art Gallery, organizes the group exhibition in the gallery space.The theme of this group exhibition is "Air, Fire, Water, Earth".The following text may facilitate the visual artist in the inspiration of the theme chosen for this exhibition.It is important to emphasize that this philosophy of the 4 elements of nature is found in all cultures deep in human history and is not limited only to the ancient Greeks.
The teaching and symbolism of the four elements is something that until recently caused laughter and ironic comments from researchers.Most people could not perceive the value of a symbology foreign to the logic of the 19th and 20th centuries, as rationalism had watered their minds.Allegories and symbolism for the 4 elements are found in numerous cultures throughout the earth.
According to the ontological theory of the four elements the whole world is fundamentally structured by four basic elements.From these, their interactions and mixtures are built all the material and immaterial, visible and invisible objects of the Universe.The four elements have the following names:
• the air
• the fire
• the water
• the earth
The terms refer to the corresponding physical concepts of fire, gases, water and earth, due to similar properties, but in reality these are supposed ontologically fundamental components of nature and not the familiar concepts of everyday life.
"Man's Last Frontier The Breath of God... UNIVERSE"
Govedarou Art Gallery in co-organization with the Friends of Astronomy Group (OFA) presents in its space at Georgiou Papandreou 5 (formerly Antheon), the group art exhibition entitled: "Man's Last Frontier The Breath of God...UNIVERSE", curated by artist and gallery owner Natasa Govedarou.The opening of the exhibition will take place on January 10, 2023.
Friends of Astronomy Group was founded in November 1997 with the aim of bringing together all those who look up admiring the greatness of the universe that surrounds us, to help spread the science of astronomy and space in our country.Ambition of for everyone to expand their knowledge both generally and selectively in the areas that interest everyone.Today, 25 years after its establishment, it has 600 members.The Group includes people from all professions such as university professors, teachers, teachers, students, lawyers, bankers, workers, freelancers, while its members collaborate with NASA and ESA, and it has great distinctions in finding supernova stars, comets,study of solar eclipses, while astronomical photographs of its members have been awarded in the most important scientific journals internationally
Greeting speach from the President of the Friends of Astronomy Group (OFA), Mr. Theodore Mattas:
"The creation of an artistic work and science are phenomena of a long evolutionary process, which is directly linked to the biological, intellectual and social maturation of the human species.Science and the arts coexist and interact with each other, and are very often co-producers and co-formators of common creations!The Friends of Astronomy Group, an association founded 25 years ago with the aim of spreading the science of Astronomy is pleased to announce the co-organization together with the Govedarou ART Gallery of a group exhibition on the theme of the beauties of the Universe.We thank the curator of the exhibition Ms. Natasa Govedarou for the collaboration and we expect a result that will combine science and the arts in the most harmonious way.
Participant artists:
Nana Winter-Georgiadou, Azaria Daisy, Androulaki Pelagia, Aspridis Markos, Vizovitou Sini, Geraki Victoria, Gerouki Zoi, Giarentzidis Vasilis, Govedarou Natasa, Dimoudi Magda, Zacharoudis Stelios, Ioannidis Kallias, Karteris Efthimis, Kokkinos George, Mavroleon-Polizoidis Katerina, Michailidou Nina, Beggli Eugenia, Padis Antonis, Papalexiou Maria, Peponidis Tasos, Sarisavva Katerina, Taxos Panagiotis, Trouli Georgia, Chalkia Maria, Chatzimanoli Vasiliki
Duration: 10 - 27 January 2023
Opening: Tuesday 10 January 2023, 18:00 – 21:00
At Govedarou Art Gallery G.Papandreou 5 (formerly Antheon), Georgiou bus stop
Curator of the exhibition: Natasa Govedarou
Co-organizer: Friends of Astronomy Group (OFA)
The Dynamics of Colors
Govedarou Art Gallery presents the group art exhibition entitled: "THE DYNAMICS OF COLORS" curated by EKPA Art Historian, MA Journalist and member of AICA Greece, Nikolena Kalaitzakis.
The Art Historian and Curator of the exhibition, Nikolena Kalaitzakis, among others, notes:
"The exhibition, as its title betrays, seeks to highlight the Dynamics of Colors, through freely themed works, the connecting link of which is the exploitation, on the part of visual, vivid, intense colors. "Color", a structural element of Art, has accompanied the greatest movements since its beginnings. Ernest Schachtel's opinion is interesting, according to which: "the experience of color is similar to that of emotion or emotion. In both cases we tend to be passive receivers of stimuli. An emotion is not the product of the actively organizing mind. It just presupposes a kind of openness that, for example, a depressed person might not have. Emotion excites us in the same way that color excites us. The scheme, in contrast, seems to require a more active response. We detect the object, establish its structural framework, relate the parts to the whole. Similarly, the mind dominates impulses, applies principles, coordinates a variety of experiences, and decides upon a course of action."
Participating artists:
Pelagia Androulaki / Eleni Arvanitaki / Christianna Asprouli / Kostis Atsalis / Evangelia Vekiaropoulou / Eleni Vogiatzaki / Alexandros Voutsas / Stella Yagoulis / Aikaterini Gounari / Dimitra Gounari / Magda Dimoudi / Phaedra Englesou / Thanasis Zisis / Maria Zygomala / George Iliadis / George Kokkinos / Giorgos Kokkinos / / Dimitra Kotsonas / Konstantinos Kounalis / Dimitra Koufopoulou / Vasiliki Kostopoulou / Irini Monommatou / Olga Moutsianou / Kristi Boutsai / Louiana Papadopoulou / Gina Papadopoulou / Maria Papalexiou / Christiana Papamali / Stefania Papatrezi / Maria Pediaditi / Dimitris Petropoulos / Vaso Pouridou / Eleftheria Protini Sarisavva / Vivetta Sarri / Irida Spinulas / Pavlos Spourelas / Alexandra Stefanidou / Anthi Symeonidou / Antigoni Tziora / Nikos Tsiotas / Maria Chalkia / Maria Harkoutsi
Opening: Friday, December 2 (6 - 9 p.m.)
Exhibition duration: December 2-16, 2022
Interview of Natasa Govedarou at
- You chose "Climate Change: Man and Natural Disasters" as the main theme of your exhibition. Why now? What has changed in the years 2022?
I have always been sensitive to the issue of the environment and the effects of our intervention in it. The effect of the phenomenon on our daily lives is now very evident and unfortunately I believe that things will get worse in the future. Govedarou Art Gallery will launch a series of group exhibitions with the central theme of the environment and issues related to it putting its little stone in the effort to awaken the world through art.
- It is impossible for man to dominate the forces of nature. What do you think is his own way of surviving in such a changing time?
It is impossible for man to dominate the forces of nature but he can contribute to reducing the effects of climate change and stabilize the climate in the long term through the help of science and technology. To turn to new forms of energy that are developing rapidly in recent years and to follow the guidelines of science that is on the front line of the war to save our planet.
- What role does art play as an educational tool in the fight to save the environment?
The artist cannot live without nature as his primary goal is to highlight it through his own weapons which are none other than the brush, canvas and paints. In his own way he fights to keep her alive so that he can continue to be inspired by her beauties. I believe that through the artist, nature acquires a voice, expresses emotion and invites us to respond to its calls.
- The exhibition is co-organized with the Mariolopoulio-Kanaginio Foundation for Environmental Sciences. How did this collaboration come about and what is the role of the compared Foundation?
As the owner of the gallery and the artistic curator of this exhibition, I wanted to give an extra weight to the subject that was exhibited. Mariolopoulio-Kanaginio Foundation of Environmental Sciences, with the President of the General Secretary of the Academy of Athens, Professor Christos Zerefos, I believe was the appropriate choice according to the purposes of the foundation.
The aims of the Foundation are summarized as follows:
• The development of Environmental Sciences with an emphasis on enhancing studies related to human interaction with the environment and cultural heritage.
• The awarding of honors in recognition of the contribution of famous scientists dealing with the environmental sciences.
• The award of young scientists active in environmental sciences in a joint program with the World Meteorological Organization of the UN (WMO) (§ 7.2.6, 47 session WMO Executive Council, Geneva, 1996).
• The awarding of awards and distinctions which the Foundation presents and which pertain to the purposes of the Foundation both at home and abroad.
- This exhibition comes to embrace Art with Science in such a topical and serious issue, argues Mr. Christos Zerefos. Is this combination perhaps the solution to our victory against natural disaster?
The solution is not but it is one through highlighting the problem and awakening the public.
- Fifteen different artists participate in the exhibition. How easy is it for them to interact with each other and create a single narrative?
Each artist participating in the exhibition expresses himself in his own way and with his own sensibilities. Coming to the gallery space to see their works you will find a perpetual reconciliation even from the way they are placed in our exhibition space. The choice I made of the artists was made with very strict criteria for this exhibition so that all the works are within the theme to be able to pass the message we were seeking to the public.
- Do you consider nature to be an eminently artistic subject of inspiration from antiquity to today? Her beauty, her wildness, her peace. How do you imagine her future portrayals in such an ominous future scenario?
The nature of the artist is inexhaustible and he will always find ways to express himself and give his own touch in the future as well.
Govedarou Art Gallery at 6th Art-Thessaloniki International Contemporary Art Fair
Art-Thessaloniki International Fair - is an international cultural family that is constantly growing, full of energy and excitement. We ensure this with the support of the participants, each one individually, and with the important organization of the artistic director and his team, who are always close to you.
Art-Thessaloniki is located right in the center of the city. With the TEF-HELEXPO facilities next to the beach of Thessaloniki and the White Tower.
Govedarou Art Gallery participates again this year with its 6 artists:
Nana Winter-Georgiadou, Stelios Zacharoudis, Nina Michailidou, Eirini Monommatou, Maria Chalkia and Olga Hatzichristou
You will find us at Pavillion 10 Booth 8
Govedarou Art Gallery at 6th Art-Thessaloniki International Contemporary Art Fair
Art-Thessaloniki International Fair - is an international cultural family that is constantly growing, full of energy and excitement. We ensure this with the support of the participants, each one individually, and with the important organization of the artistic director and his team, who are always close to you.
Art-Thessaloniki is located right in the center of the city. With the TEF-HELEXPO facilities next to the beach of Thessaloniki and the White Tower.
Govedarou Art Gallery participates again this year with its 6 artists:
Nana Winter-Georgiadou, Stelios Zacharoudis, Nina Michailidou, Eirini Monommatou, Maria Chalkia and Olga Hatzichristou
You will find us at Pavillion 10 Booth 8
Interview of Natasa Govedarou at
1)You are the owner of Govedarou Art Gallery. What is your relationship with art and when did you establish the Gallery?
GovedarouArtGallery was founded in Thessaloniki in 2014 during difficult times for art after the financial crisis that passed and is passing, I could say our country. Art for me does not only have the commercial part due to the nature of my work. Having graduated with honors in painting and drawing from the Russian Academy in Florence, Italy, which connected me to art and from the artist's point of view, I managed in a very short time to highlight the gallery in the area both in Greece and in abroad, making it competitive by offering the public only quality exhibitions.
2)How does the Gallery work? Apart from the exhibitions, is there any other artistic activity that the public should be aware of?
The international profile of the gallery has placed it dynamically in the field of art. The exchange of ideas, styles and trends through the presentation of visual arts from various countries of the world established the gallery as a great factor of cultural exchange in the city of Thessaloniki. In our space, there are often individual exhibitions, presentations of the artist's technique on display, but also organized workshops where the participants can learn the specific technique that the artist uses and makes his work special.
The selection of visual artists, Greek and foreign, is always based on their quality and creativity, demonstrating the amazing variety and diversity of various materials, styles and expressions of art. Some of them have won various awards, are sought-after art workshop instructors, or respected for their ability to handle the materials they use with articles published in popular art books and magazines.
The artistic curators with whom we collaborate both from Greece and abroad are yet another part of the organization of our group and individual exhibitions.
Also, other events such as presentations by poets and writers, charity exhibitions, speeches related to art and others are often held in the space. The new trends as well as the old inspirations of every form of art find a display roof at the Govedarou Art Gallery
3) Do you enable young artists to come to Govedarou Art Gallery and exhibit their works?
Young artists are welcome in the gallery for their participation mainly in group exhibitions, as long as they have not finished a School of Fine Arts, having as their "ticket" to our space their quality work. It is also important for an artist to have "built" a good artistic resume with as many participations in individual and group exhibitions as possible and continuous training in the subject.
In our individual exhibitions, visual arts graduates of S.K.T. are shown preferably, but also, exceptionally, visual talents at our discretion. My personal experience and education come to help in this ability to judge the choice. Otherwise, a work can be understood by a gallery owner having studied painting, or by someone who has only a purely "commercial" eye.
4) From October 13 you are hosting an exhibition on climate change and nature. How were you inspired by the concept and what does the exhibition include?
Govedarou Art Gallery in co-organization with the Mariolopoulio-Kanaginio Foundation of Environmental Sciences presents in its space the group art exhibition entitled: "Climate Change: Man and Natural Disasters", curated by me as an artist and owner of the gallery.
Sensitized by the consequences of climate change, both on humans and on nature, I invited visual artists to highlight the seriousness of the problem through art as nature and art are inextricably linked. As I always emphasize: "The artist cannot live without nature as his primary goal is to highlight it through his own weapons which are none other than the brush, the canvas and the colors. In his own way he fights to keep her alive so that he can continue to be inspired by her beauties. I believe that through the artist, nature acquires speech, expresses emotion and invites us to respond to its calls."
The opening of the exhibition takes place on October 13, 2022, which is also the International Day for the Reduction of Natural Disasters, and its importance is also very timely due to the COP 27 conference on climate change.
5) Give us an insight into the future exhibitions you are preparing. What to expect in winter?
Immediately after the exhibition on climate change, we are preparing for the participation of Govedarou Art Gallery in the 6th Art Thessaloniki International Art Fair that will take place November 3-6, 2022 at TIF Thessaloniki. You will find us at booth 10 booth 8.
6 visual artists are participating with us this year:
Nana Winter-Georgiadou, Stelios Zacharoudis, Nina Michailidou, Irini Monommatou, Maria Chalkia and Olga Hatzichristou.
In our program, of course, there are many group and individual exhibitions which the public can be informed about through you and also from our page at facebook και στο site μας
"Climate Change: Man and Natural Disasters"
Govedarou Art Gallery, in co-organization with the Mariopoulos-Kanaginis Foundation for the Environmental Sciences, presents in its space the group art exhibition entitled: "Climate Change: Man and Natural Disasters", curated by the artist and owner of the gallery Natasa Govedarou. The opening of the exhibition will take place on October 13, 2022, which is also the International Day for the Reduction of Natural Disasters, and its importance is very timely, not only because of the environmental phenomena we experience every day, but also because of the COP 27 conference on climate change. 15 visual artists are participating.
The International Day for the Reduction of Natural Disasters was established by the UN General Assembly in 1989 and is celebrated every year on October 13, with the rationale that it is impossible for man to dominate the forces of nature, but it is possible to reduce their destructive consequences. Poor and developing countries suffer the greatest losses in human resources, as well as unsustainable damages, due to the lack of infrastructure, as well as know-how to deal with natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, landslides and drought).
Greeting speech from the President of Mariopoulios-Kanaginis Foundation for the Environmental Sciences and Secretary General of the Academy of Athens professor Christos Zerefos:
It is with great pleasure that I welcome Govedarou Art Gallery's group exhibition on a subject that is so topical that it is projected as much as a war. The war that humanity is waging to stabilize the climate and be able to heal in the long term the wounds that have been opened in our environment by the reckless use of fossil fuels and not only has great costs. This exhibition comes to embrace Art with Science in such a topical and serious issue. It would be fortunate to see many similar initiatives so that society can be made aware through Art. Mrs. Govedarou and her colleagues deserve warm congratulations with the wish that she will continue and increase her contribution to society and the environment in general.
Participating Artists:
Nana Winter-Georgiadou, Atsalis Kostis, Gerouki Zoi, Giarentzidis Vasileios, Govedarou Natasa, Efimidis Kostas, Zacharoudis Stelios, Kontoe Marianna, Michailidou Nina, Michalopoulou Christina, Monommatou Eirini, Sarissava Katerina, Taxos Panagiotis, Tsantilas Christos, Chalkia Maria
Duration of Exhibition: 13-27 October 2022
Opening: 13 October 2022, 18.30-21.30
Curator: Natasa Govedarou