Natasa Govedarou, artist, curator and owner of Govedarou Art Gallery, is organizing the group exhibition “WOMEN!” at the gallery space at G. Papandreou 5, to support the charitable association WOMEN WITHOUT BORDERS in Thessaloniki with part of the proceeds from the sales of the exhibition’s artworks. The opening of the exhibition will take place on Thursday, March 20 at 6:30 PM and will last until April 8. The social mission of the association is of a highly humanitarian nature, aiming to alleviate human suffering. Its main goals include the promotion of Peace, solidarity with underdeveloped peoples and people affected by various disasters, as well as the protection of children, women’s rights and the environment, without any form of discrimination. The club's events always aim to support institutions, hospitals and individuals in need.    


Participating artists:

Sam Samara, Alexandridou Angeliki, Vaxevanelli Efi, Gerouki Vicky, Gerouki Zoi, Giarentzidis Vasilis, Govedarou Natasa, Gogalis Konstantinos, Iliadis Lazaros, Kouzouni Mina, Kouimtzis Stavros, Nouni Athanasia, Sarisavva Katerina, Taxos Panagiotis, Xaviaropoulou Stella, Chalkia Maria


Duration: March 20 to April 8, 2025

Opening: Thursday, March 20, 2025, 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

At Govedarou Art Gallery G. Papandreou 5 (formerly Antheon), Georgiou stop

Exhibition curator: Natasa Govedarou


Opening hours:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday: 11.00am–2.00pm

 Tuesday, Thursday: 11.00am – 2.00pm & 6.00pm–8.00pm

Monday 24 of March closed

Govedarou Art Gallery, G. Papandreou 5 (formerly Antheon), Georgiou stop, P.C: 54645, Thessaloniki, T: 2314015613,, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,


Communication sponsors: ESEPIMVE (UNION OF NEWSPAPER, MAGAZINE AND ELECTRONIC MEDIA EDITORS OF NORTHERN GREECE), Thessculture, MetaFox, Newsgr4you, Karfitsa, e-Ptolemaios, Eordaikos PALMOS, West Channel, Show it, Taxi4thess, radio yellow

In our Smart Art shop you can find small size paintings, ceramics, artifacts made of glass and sculptures of many different artists who present their work made from various materials and technics. The cost of the works sold is very SMART. Low prices for original and unique work!!
Στη Govedarou Smart Art Gallery μπορείτε να βρείτε έργα τέχνης μικρών διαστάσεων σε πάρα πολύ προσιτές τιμές. Όλα τα έργα ζωγραφικής, κεραμικής, γλυπτικής καθώς και αντικείμενα φτιαγμένα από γυαλί είναι μοναδικά και αυθεντικά!!

watch video of SMART ART GIFT GALLERY >>

News & Exhibitions



Govedarou Art Gallery

Address: 5, G. Papandreou

54645 Thessaloniki, Greece

Tel: 0030 2314 015613



Open hours:

Monday - Wednesday and Friday: 11.00 - 14.00

Tuesday - Thursday: 11.00 - 14.00 & 18.00 - 20.00

Saturday: 11.00 - 14.00 (only when there are exhibitions running)

Sunday closed